Empire is a hit hip-hop drama that aired on Fox from 2015 to 2020. The show follows the lives of the Lyon family, who run a music empire. One of the most memorable aspects of the show is the fashion, especially of Cookie Lyon, the ex-wife of Lucious Lyon and the co-founder of Empire Entertainment. Cookie’s wardrobe is flashy, fierce and fabulous, reflecting her personality and her ambitions. Without further ado, here are some of the highlights of Empire’s fashion. In this article, we delve into the captivating journey of the Empire TV show, exploring its concept, characters, impact, controversies, and more.
Cookie’s Coats
One of Cookie’s signature pieces is her collection of coats, which range from fur to leather to sequin. Cookie knows how to make an entrance with her outerwear, whether she’s attending a concert, a board meeting or a family dinner. As a signature piece, her coats are often colourful, textured and oversized, adding drama and glamour to her outfits. Some of her most iconic coats include a white fur coat with gold chains, a red leopard print coat with black leather sleeves and a pink sequin one-shoulder jumpsuit.
Cookie’s Dresses
Another staple of Cookie’s wardrobe is her body-con dresses, which show off her curves and her confidence. Cookie likes to wear dresses that are bold, sexy and eye-catching, often with animal prints, metallics or cut-outs. She also accessorizes her dresses with statement jewellery, high heels and sleek hairstyles. Some of her most stunning dresses include a black and gold sequin wrap mini dress, an orange floral off-shoulder dress and a green snake print dress with a thigh-high slit.
Other Characters’ Fashion
Cookie is not the only fashionista on Empire. The show also features other characters with distinctive styles, such as Giselle (Nicole Ari Parker), Tiana (Serayah McNeill), Becky (Gabourey Sidibe) and Jamal (Jussie Smollett). Giselle is the sophisticated and elegant ex-wife of Eddie Barker (Forest Whitaker), who wears chic suits, dresses and hats. Tiana is a pop star and Hakeem’s (Bryshere Y. Gray) love interest, who rocks trendy outfits, crop tops and denim. Becky is Lucious’ loyal assistant and later head of A&R, who flaunts her curves in colourful prints and patterns. Jamal is Lucious’ son and a talented singer-songwriter, who has a casual and cool style with leather jackets, hoodies and jeans.
Empire: The TV Show That Made Home Decor Statements
Empire is not only a TV show about fashion and style. It is also a showcase of home decor and design, especially of the Lyon family’s luxurious residences. The homes featured on the show are as opulent and interesting as the characters who inhabit them. Whether it’s Lucious’ lavish mansion or Jamal’s sleek townhouse, these interiors were artfully put together by veteran set decorator Caroline Perzan. Here are some of the highlights of Empire’s home decor.
Lucious’ Mansion
Lucious’ mansion is the epitome of elegance and power. The mansion features a grand piano designed by Warren Shadd, the only African-American piano manufacturer in the U.S., contemporary African-American artwork handpicked by co-creator Lee Daniels, rich fabrics and textures, gold accents and ornate furniture. The mansion also has a spacious kitchen with marble countertops, stainless steel appliances, and a large island.
Jamal’s Townhouse
Jamal’s townhouse is a contrast to his father’s mansion. The townhouse is more modern and minimalist, with clean lines, neutral colors, and simple furniture. The townhouse features a large living room with a fireplace, a cozy sofa, and a coffee table made from reclaimed wood. Besides his living room, one of the features of Jamal’s townhouse is his music studio. He records his songs there, surrounded by soundproof walls, musical instruments, and posters of his idols.
Other Characters’ Homes
Other characters in Empire also have their own homes with unique styles. For example, Anika (Grace Byers), Lucious’ ex-fiancee and later wife of his son Andre (Trai Byers), lives in a penthouse apartment with a stunning view of the city skyline. Her apartment is decorated with feminine touches, such as floral wallpaper, pink curtains and crystal chandeliers.